Sunrise at Highland Beach, Florida.
Dr. Susanna V. Haziot
I am currently a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Princeton University.
Previously, I was a Tamarkin Assistant Professor at Brown University as well as a recipient of the NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship Award. On July 1st, 2022, I was appointed as the Drs. Ruth and Howard Triedman Tamarkin Assistant Professor of Mathematics, an endowed faculty honors position.
I completed my PhD in May 2021, at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna under the supervision of Prof. Adrian Constantin.
In December 2021, my thesis was awarded the Award of Excellence by the Austrian government.
In July 2023, I was awarded the Studienpreis by the Oesterreichischen Mathematischen Gesellschaft (Austrian Mathematical Society). (see here for english translation from the Brown University website)
My research interests are in nonlinear partial differential equations in relation to fluid dynamics, with particular emphasis on steady water waves.
My Google Scholar page.

On the Hochstaf, in Kleinzell, Austria.
Publications (accepted)
1.E. Garcia-Juarez, S.V. Haziot,
“Critical well-posedness for the 2D Peskin problem with general tension”
Advances in Mathematics (to appear)
Link: arXiv version
2. E. Garcia-Juarez, J. Gomez-Serrano, S.V. Haziot, B. Pausader,
“The Desingularization of Small Moving Corners for the Muskat Equation”
Annals of PDE, (10) 17, 2024
Link: arXiv version, Journal version
3. C. Garcìa, S.V. Haziot,
“Global bifurcation for co-rotating and counter-rotating vortex pairs”
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 402 (2), 1167-1204, (2023)
Link: arXiv version, Journal version
4. S.V. Haziot, B. Pausader
“Note on the dissipation for the general Muskat problem”
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, (81), 367-373, (2023)
Link: arXiv version, Journal version
5. S.V. Haziot, M.H. Wheeler,
“Large amplitude steady solitary waves with constant vorticity“
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, (247), 27, (2023)
Link: arXiv version, Journal version
6. S.V. Haziot, V.M. Hur, W.A. Strauss, J. Toland, E. Wahlen, S. Walsh, M.H. Wheeler
“Traveling water waves — the ebb and flow of two centuries”
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, (80), 317-401, (2022)
Link: arXiv version, Journal version
7. S.V. Haziot,
“On the spherical geopotential approximation for Saturn”
Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, 21 (7), 2327-2336, (2022)
Link: Journal version
8. S.V. Haziot,
“Study of an elliptic partial differential equation modeling the ocean flow in Arctic gyres“
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 48 (23), (2021)
Link: Journal version
9. S.V. Haziot,
“Stratified large-amplitude steady periodic water waves with critical layers”
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 381 (2), 765-797, (2021)
Link: Journal version
10. B. Basu, S.V. Haziot, A. Staino,
“Wave breaking for periodic solutions of a nonlinear shallow water equation”
Applicable Analysis, 101 (2), 519-526 (2021)
Link: Journal version
11. S.V. Haziot,
“Study of an elliptic partial differential equation modelling the Antarctic Circumpolar Current”
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A 39 (8), 4415, (2019)
Link: Journal version
12. S.V. Haziot,
“Explicit two-dimensional solutions for the flow in arctic gyres”,
Monatshefte für Mathematik 189 (3), 429-440, (2019)
Link: Journal version
13. S.V. Haziot, K. Marynets,
“Applying the Stereographic Projection to Modeling of the Flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current”
Oceanography 31 (3), 68-75, (2018),
Special Edition: Mathematical aspects of physical oceanography
Link: Journal version
14. S.V. Haziot,
“Wave-breaking in the Fornberg-Whitham Equation”
Journal of Differential Equations 263 8178-8185, (2017)
Link: Journal version
Publications (submitted)
1. S.V. Haziot, W.A. Strauss
“Amplitude bounds of steady rotational water waves”
Link: arXiv version
Brown University, Department of Mathematics
Spring 2024: Instructor: Analysis 1
Fall 2022: Instructor, Calculus 1
Fall 2022: Instructor, Linear Algebra
University of Vienna, Department of Mathematics
Spring 2020: Lecturer, Tutorials in Ordinary Differential Equations
Fall 2019: Lecturer, Tutorials in Analysis 3 and Elementary Differential Geometry
Fall 2018: Lecturer, Tutorials in Analysis 1
Northwestern University, Department of Mathematics
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant: Game Theory and Calculus

Blooming cacti in my mother’s rock garden